We here at SGS have sensed that around the world a tipping point has arrived, and an explosive force for change is upon us all. A new age is dawning that will forever change the way we view the world and each other. But first we must awake from our slumber to become fully engaged.
Let us begin...
There is a sleeping pill called Zolpidem that was designed to treat insomnia…helping individuals to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and reduce the number of times you awaken during the night.
It is my most sincerest belief that these same effects can befall the human race without taking this particular substance. Now, I am not referring to the effect physical sleep generates rejuvenating the body, but a mental sleep that clouds our perceptions, delays our action and distracts our focus from influencing the world in our own unique way.
The promotion of fear, mediocrity, corruption, violence, and personal ridicule seem to provide the appropriate dosage of doubt that prohibits most from becoming their true selves.
The promotion of fear, mediocrity, corruption, violence, and personal ridicule seem to provide the appropriate dosage of doubt that prohibits most from becoming their true selves.
If allowed, these sleeping pills of society can dim the flames of our divine passion, and subtlety convince you and I that we should focus our efforts on adhering to the agendas of others, instead of pursuing the greatest gift we have ever been given….personal destiny.
Yet it seems that as we grow older these same sleeping pills scar our perceptions…leaving some individuals jaded and lost. They in turn begin to question themselves, quiet their voice, and simply follow.
But know now this does not have to be…from the very beginning we have been equipped with specific attributes, wings if you will, uniquely designed to help us fly... such as creative imagination, curiosity and unyielding faith.
All that remains is that you move in the direction your heart longs for…
In ending, please realize that everyone is not asleep. There are millions of individuals on both sides that are very much aware of the state of the world and the exact role they play in either promoting growth and innovation, or condemning the dreamer and keeping those that slumber asleep.
In ending, please realize that everyone is not asleep. There are millions of individuals on both sides that are very much aware of the state of the world and the exact role they play in either promoting growth and innovation, or condemning the dreamer and keeping those that slumber asleep.
For when you are asleep you are more easily controlled and less concerned with the dynamics of the world. But if you are awake your thoughts, your actions, and your voice can literally shape shift reality.
You are more powerful than you know….
You are more powerful than you know….
Join us, Saint Gabrielle Street & Company, Inspirational Entertainment Media
Phenomenal Human Phase One: Completed
SGS Comment Question: What prohibits you from moving closer to what your heart longs for?
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