One particular day as an angel was walking the Earth she met a young man sitting beneath a tree on the side of the road. When she saw the young man she stopped and asked…
“My son you look very distraught…where are you going?”
The young man tilted his hat slightly…looked up and answered…“I am searching for my destiny” and I was told this road would take me there.”
The angel then responded…“I see, and when may I ask did you begin this journey.”
The young man rubbed his eyes and said…“I have been traveling for so long I cannot clearly remember when I got started”
Hearing this, the angel moved closer to the young man…“Let me ask you…
…how will you know your destiny when you find it?”
The young man paused for a minute then smiled. “It’s funny that you asked… You know I’ve thought about that question everyday since I first left…and the best answer I have come up with is… I will just know”
The angel smiled…
You look as if the journey has taken a great deal out of you…have you faced many challenges.”
Breathing deeply the young man sighed…“I have indeed…to begin with you must understand that the roads from my village are very poor because no one ever uses them.”
I have crossed rivers, scaled mountains and faced terrain I knew would be my demise…and although these obstacles have indeed made me stronger…right when I believed I had almost reach my destiny…the road always stopped.
See, I don’t know how familiar you are with these lands, but if you were to continue in this direction for a days walk you will reach a very steep cliff, and with every sunrise I’ve tried to find a new path to the other side of the canyon that lay below the cliff’s ledge…but despite my best efforts…I have failed again and again.”
A warm jasmine breeze blew by and the angel began to look down the road in both directions…then she looked towards the sky.
“I have walked this road many times, young man, and know it well. In that direction, as you know, you have your village…and as you have found on the road ahead you have the steepest of cliffs.
“My son you look very distraught…where are you going?”
The young man tilted his hat slightly…looked up and answered…“I am searching for my destiny” and I was told this road would take me there.”
The angel then responded…“I see, and when may I ask did you begin this journey.”
The young man rubbed his eyes and said…“I have been traveling for so long I cannot clearly remember when I got started”
Hearing this, the angel moved closer to the young man…“Let me ask you…
…how will you know your destiny when you find it?”
The young man paused for a minute then smiled. “It’s funny that you asked… You know I’ve thought about that question everyday since I first left…and the best answer I have come up with is… I will just know”
The angel smiled…
You look as if the journey has taken a great deal out of you…have you faced many challenges.”
Breathing deeply the young man sighed…“I have indeed…to begin with you must understand that the roads from my village are very poor because no one ever uses them.”
I have crossed rivers, scaled mountains and faced terrain I knew would be my demise…and although these obstacles have indeed made me stronger…right when I believed I had almost reach my destiny…the road always stopped.
See, I don’t know how familiar you are with these lands, but if you were to continue in this direction for a days walk you will reach a very steep cliff, and with every sunrise I’ve tried to find a new path to the other side of the canyon that lay below the cliff’s ledge…but despite my best efforts…I have failed again and again.”
A warm jasmine breeze blew by and the angel began to look down the road in both directions…then she looked towards the sky.
“I have walked this road many times, young man, and know it well. In that direction, as you know, you have your village…and as you have found on the road ahead you have the steepest of cliffs.
May I offer you a suggestion…?
The young man jumped to his feet with excitement, and dusted himself off…..“Why yes….at this point I am willing to try anything.”
My child, when you reach the cliff again, and it looks as if the ground no longer serves its purpose in getting you where you must go, look to the sky….and ask your self why must I walk…when I can fly…
As disappointment set in…the young man looked confused and said…
“Fly…I can’t fly….surely you are mistaken.”
The wind began to pick up…then the angel touched the young man on his shoulder and said…“You have come this far on desire and courage alone…but when you reach the cliff’s edge again, I pray you also put into practice Faith.
To question what is possible is not within your understanding, but Faith is. If your destiny truly lies ahead…a way will be made.”…and with that she wished the young man safe passage…and continued her walk....
Please stay tuned for "The Young Man who Forgot he Could Fly" the book
Written by Brian D. Hamlin
Illusrations by Jamaul Smith
The young man jumped to his feet with excitement, and dusted himself off…..“Why yes….at this point I am willing to try anything.”
My child, when you reach the cliff again, and it looks as if the ground no longer serves its purpose in getting you where you must go, look to the sky….and ask your self why must I walk…when I can fly…
As disappointment set in…the young man looked confused and said…
“Fly…I can’t fly….surely you are mistaken.”
The wind began to pick up…then the angel touched the young man on his shoulder and said…“You have come this far on desire and courage alone…but when you reach the cliff’s edge again, I pray you also put into practice Faith.
To question what is possible is not within your understanding, but Faith is. If your destiny truly lies ahead…a way will be made.”…and with that she wished the young man safe passage…and continued her walk....
Please stay tuned for "The Young Man who Forgot he Could Fly" the book
Written by Brian D. Hamlin
Illusrations by Jamaul Smith
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