Monday, December 8, 2008

Everyday Angel

This partial text has been taken from the upcoming Saint Gabrielle Street & Company "Everyday Angel" performance:
In the midst of trial and tribulations, decisions and advancement, most people seem to only make the necessary changes in their life for one of two reasons…either through inspiration or desperation…and standing here before you today I can honestly say that for me it has taken a great deal of both to make my own changes.

Could there be a connection then between you and I?

Have you ever been so inspired to leap that it feels like somewhere between space and time you already have? Or perhaps your inspiration draws from that certain song that when you hear it…it actually feels like it was written just for you. Or even perhaps felt a warriors courage mount inside of you, while hearing stories of amazing feats of strength and commitment in the face of extreme uncertainty, even death. For me, these moments of inspiration continue to remind me that life is indeed a most beautiful adventure and even in the midst of tragedy there is a power accessible to us all…greater than we know.

But, there are also those moments when I’ve found myself trapped in a corner, completely overwhelmed, gasping for air behind the bars of a situation I probably caused myself…and it is in these moments of desperation my mind usually goes into overdrive eventually coming up with seven ways to solve seven problems.

With this it seems to me that by any means necessary, life has equipped mankind with the mechanisms possible to keep us moving forward…almost as if we have an unseen engagement or opportunity ahead we cannot miss.

You know I heard Cornell West mentioned once…and excuse me if I paraphrase ever so slightly…”we as a people must begin to identity what significance do our individual stories have in relationship to the larger narrative of life.” “We must to turn a critical eye to what our existence means to those within our families, are communities, and our world. What impact does what we do, and who we are have on those around us?”

For me, this level of self-reflection began about seven to eight years ago when a void began developing deep inside at my center. Sometimes the void appeared as small moments of depression in the morning, followed by periods of boredom throughout the day. Behind the moments of laughter I shared publicly, there began to build a sense of quiet hopelessness right below the surface. The flashing lights were dimming, and harems were losing their appeal. Was this all that life had to offer, because I truly felt I had so much more to give! I refused to believe that God would create something so strong and unique, then place it in a cage with no key.

Now, being the educator I was trained to be, and the at times passionate and obsessive as some people knew me, I feverishly began reading hundreds of personal development books that ranged from Eastern Metaphysics to the more Westernized practices of designing and accomplishing ones goals….but two reoccurring ideas seemed to permeate every line I read…almost as if they were following me! Almost as if I was supposed to find them.

The first was Purpose and Gifts, simply meaning that every man, woman and child was created with a clear concise reason for his/her existence, and connected to that reason was a unique gift he/she possessed inside.

The second concept that continued to intrigue me was Synchronicity which by definition means the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be exlplained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer. From past friends that surfaced after years of disconnect, to the series of events that led to meeting that special person that first touched your heart and showed you how to love…these occurrences were not by accident.

Now having the power of Synchronicity and Purpose in the palm of my hand, I began to see that there may be a connection between the two. It was becoming very evident that the role we all play in the lives of others could have a greater impact than what was being openly acknowledged.

So let’s break the lock on this one and take a closer look. As I stated, Purpose and Gifts, are the existence of meaning and represent the unique capabilities inside every person. Sometimes these gifts show themselves in a person as the ability to be an intent listener, venturing out possibly into the fields of international diplomacy and mediation; the ability to make others laugh, creating innovative ways to bring humor and satire to delicate topics often viewed as taboo, or even the ability to inspire, igniting thousands to realize their true potential.

Some of you have been blessed with the gift of teaching, exposing the next generation of young people to possibilities they never knew existed, and some of you possess the gift of performance…captivating audiences through dance, song and verse.

The divine connection then becomes this…over time the effort and lessons learned you apply to the pursuit of your purpose, gives you the power to help others with theirs

By example, if you have conquered insurmountable odds while chasing your dreams….you then possess the power to help others move their own mountains. If you have transformed yourself from a state of depression and anxiety into a state of joy and anticipation, you then possess the power to aid in the transformation of another. The exciting part is that this magical exchange is completely unique to your individual giftings and journey.

As you pursue your purpose further, intensifying your efforts to develop your gifts, you will begin to quietly affect those closest to you. Not only by preaching empty words, but also with action and excitement. Seeing you strive will ignite the sleeping giants others possess. By default, their personal improvement will begin to influence their own circles…circles perhaps well beyond your direct influence.

Imagine, this level of viral self-improvement projected within your church, your constituents, your employees, or even your students. As you become better at who you are…and what you were designed to do…you will begin to sense a feeling of purpose developing all around you.

Every great leader whose personal vision and calling overwhelmed him/her, ignited this sense of contagious inspiration in his/her followers from Gandhi to Mandela, from Jesus to Muhammad, and from JFK to Obama, the calling on each of their lives pushed them to test themselves in ways that motivated the masses to follow suit, forever changing the fabric of history for generations to come. You are capable of nothing less.

Now herein lies a bit of magic…at this point allow me to show you how Synchronicity plays its part.

I once was apart of a mentoring group which operated at one of the schools in which I was teaching. It was the job of every mentor to host a monthly meeting, select a topic, and create the agenda.

When my month came around it just so happened it was the session we planned for a visiting group of students to join in. Rather recently, I had just completed a professional development workshop for the staff on purpose & teaching, so I decided to use pieces of the seminar for my mentoring presentation. Fifteen minutes into my session…I passionately began to go around the room asking fellow mentors and students what they believed was their purpose….when I got to a young man named David.

Now to give you a little background on David, I was told he was labeled as having a slight learning disability, had been known to make frequent stops to the Dean’s office for behavioral infractions, and had been held back enough times to be a teacher himself. But like most of us, he had a talent that often went overlooked…he was a beautiful artist.

When I finally got to David I was fired up…I said young sir…what do you believe is your purpose? David looked around the circle, as if he was looking to see if it was safe to speak from his heart, he then said quietly…I would like to become an architect…so I can design bomb shelters if this country ever found itself in a nuclear war. I would design enormous underground homes where people could live their lives in safety.

In that moment, beyond all the negative exchanges and arguments to which I had been told David had become so accustomed, in an instant I saw him for who he truly was. I looked him right in his eye and said David that is tremendous, that is quite a purpose…and know that from my mouth to your ears those shelters may never get built if you don’t chase that dream to its completion. Millions of people may be relying on your future designs and insight for their survival…beyond anything anyone has ever told you, I believe in you.

With that, the circle began to clap…and David looked like he had been reborn. Soon, after the meeting he pulled me to the side…and expressed to me that he had never before let anyone know what he had revealed to the group, because he was too afraid he would be laughed at because of his reputation…but that he really enjoyed the session, and now felt more comfortable with where he wanted to take his gifts.

From that point forward, I continued to keep tabs on him, and to this day I hear that he is doing quite well and still desires to become an architect. Only the future knows if any of us will benefit from his work.

That very day…although David was not an immediate member of my circle of influence or family…my own ability to inspire that was forged by a lifetime of experiences, and his desire to save lives with his art drove us to meet. I did not judge him for his past actions or mock his lofty ambitions. It was obvious to me that life had decided that we needed to have that exchange for the betterment of both.

I walked away reaffirming the belief that purpose existed at the heart of all things despite how they are perceived, and David walked away feeling reassured in his dream.

See . . . not only will fighting for the right to call your dreams realities impacts those people with whom you spend the most time…but also, as I stated earlier Synchronicity connects…and as you walk your journey, it will place you in situations where you will be able to impact the lives of people, organizations and groups that you may have never met before.

Furthermore, as you stay the course and intensify your pursuits, you will begin to witness larger numbers of unforeseen opportunities and unexpected encounters where you will be able to give more, impact greater, and create change on a larger scale.

There are people right now chasing their dreams and living their lives that need your specific support, that need to your specific insight, your empathy and love. They wait for you at the crossroads…the question is, who will they meet when you arrive?

The beauty of this theory is that all this is possible by just being who are…not conforming to the boxes others look to place you in, or the rulers others look to measure you by…but by just being you…just becoming better at it.

This has to be the sexiest thing I have ever seen…living life on your terms, utilizing the creative gifts you were designed with, while positively impacting the lives of others. I know this to be true because it’s the life I’m fighting to create.

The life I have just described is that of the Everyday Angel: The common man or woman’s journey to define his/her existence using innate talents and giftings to light the way. As they travel obstacles, challenges will create the perfect training regiment to hone their skills further. When an Everyday Angel encounters others along the way, they look to aide them in any way possible from motivation to guidance, inherently knowing deep inside it is for this reason we were not placed here alone.

So the next time someone crosses your path, know now that it is not by chance, but by providence that they have arrived, and that the personal growth you have placed into the acquisition of your own dreams could perhaps be the lessons they need to sustain their own quests. Be their bridge builder, be their champion, be their hope, be their leader, be their follower, be that gentle nudge that pushes them towards the things they dream about. Be their Everyday Angel.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

SGS Tranformational Series: Phenomenal Human Phase One "Sleeping Pills"

This text has been pulled from an SGS inspirational cyberspace broadcast designed to awaken the phenomenal human in you. That special part of who you are that moves with passion and purpose capable of transcending limitations while redefining the impossible.

We here at SGS have sensed that around the world a tipping point has arrived, and an explosive force for change is upon us all. A new age is dawning that will forever change the way we view the world and each other. But first we must awake from our slumber to become fully engaged.

Let us begin...

There is a sleeping pill called Zolpidem that was designed to treat insomnia…helping individuals to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and reduce the number of times you awaken during the night.

It is my most sincerest belief that these same effects can befall the human race without taking this particular substance. Now, I am not referring to the effect physical sleep generates rejuvenating the body, but a mental sleep that clouds our perceptions, delays our action and distracts our focus from influencing the world in our own unique way.

The promotion of fear, mediocrity, corruption, violence, and personal ridicule seem to provide the appropriate dosage of doubt that prohibits most from becoming their true selves.

If allowed, these sleeping pills of society can dim the flames of our divine passion, and subtlety convince you and I that we should focus our efforts on adhering to the agendas of others, instead of pursuing the greatest gift we have ever been given….personal destiny.

Yet it seems that as we grow older these same sleeping pills scar our perceptions…leaving some individuals jaded and lost. They in turn begin to question themselves, quiet their voice, and simply follow.

But know now this does not have to be…from the very beginning we have been equipped with specific attributes, wings if you will, uniquely designed to help us fly... such as creative imagination, curiosity and unyielding faith.

All that remains is that you move in the direction your heart longs for…

In ending, please realize that everyone is not asleep. There are millions of individuals on both sides that are very much aware of the state of the world and the exact role they play in either promoting growth and innovation, or condemning the dreamer and keeping those that slumber asleep.

For when you are asleep you are more easily controlled and less concerned with the dynamics of the world. But if you are awake your thoughts, your actions, and your voice can literally shape shift reality.

You are more powerful than you know….

Join us, Saint Gabrielle Street & Company, Inspirational Entertainment Media

Phenomenal Human Phase One: Completed

SGS Comment Question: What prohibits you from moving closer to what your heart longs for?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

SGS Publishing / Book Excerpt: "The Young Man who Forgot he Could Fly"

One particular day as an angel was walking the Earth she met a young man sitting beneath a tree on the side of the road. When she saw the young man she stopped and asked…

“My son you look very distraught…where are you going?”

The young man tilted his hat slightly…looked up and answered…“I am searching for my destiny” and I was told this road would take me there.”

The angel then responded…“I see, and when may I ask did you begin this journey.”

The young man rubbed his eyes and said…“I have been traveling for so long I cannot clearly remember when I got started”

Hearing this, the angel moved closer to the young man…“Let me ask you…
…how will you know your destiny when you find it?”

The young man paused for a minute then smiled. “It’s funny that you asked… You know I’ve thought about that question everyday since I first left…and the best answer I have come up with is… I will just know”

The angel smiled…

You look as if the journey has taken a great deal out of you…have you faced many challenges.”

Breathing deeply the young man sighed…“I have indeed…to begin with you must understand that the roads from my village are very poor because no one ever uses them.”

I have crossed rivers, scaled mountains and faced terrain I knew would be my demise…and although these obstacles have indeed made me stronger…right when I believed I had almost reach my destiny…the road always stopped.

See, I don’t know how familiar you are with these lands, but if you were to continue in this direction for a days walk you will reach a very steep cliff, and with every sunrise I’ve tried to find a new path to the other side of the canyon that lay below the cliff’s ledge…but despite my best efforts…I have failed again and again.”

A warm jasmine breeze blew by and the angel began to look down the road in both directions…then she looked towards the sky.

“I have walked this road many times, young man, and know it well. In that direction, as you know, you have your village…and as you have found on the road ahead you have the steepest of cliffs.
May I offer you a suggestion…?

The young man jumped to his feet with excitement, and dusted himself off…..“Why yes….at this point I am willing to try anything.”

My child, when you reach the cliff again, and it looks as if the ground no longer serves its purpose in getting you where you must go, look to the sky….and ask your self why must I walk…when I can fly…

As disappointment set in…the young man looked confused and said…
“Fly…I can’t fly….surely you are mistaken.”

The wind began to pick up…then the angel touched the young man on his shoulder and said…“You have come this far on desire and courage alone…but when you reach the cliff’s edge again, I pray you also put into practice Faith.

To question what is possible is not within your understanding, but Faith is. If your destiny truly lies ahead…a way will be made.”…and with that she wished the young man safe passage…and continued her walk....

Please stay tuned for "The Young Man who Forgot he Could Fly" the book
Written by Brian D. Hamlin
Illusrations by Jamaul Smith

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama Part One: Beyond Words...

In 2006 I was working part time as a personal trainer in the District of Columbia, and I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting Illinois Senator Barack Obama. Prior to announcing his candidacy Senator Obama was an active member the fitness club, and worked out often. One particular day our paths crossed briefly, and we had an opportunity to speak. I must admit at the time I was not too familiar with the exact details of his politics...only that he'd electrified the democratic party just two years earlier as the keynote speaker at the DNC, in support of then presidential candidate John Kerry. Here is that conversation...

"Excuse me sir...My name is Brian Hamlin, and I just wanted to shake your hand and say thank you for the work you've been putting in...I've been hearing good things about the issues you find important, and that you've got some pretty influential people on Capital Hill talking..."

"Nice to meet you too young man...and thank you. I don't know if everything they're saying is good, but if they're talking about me at all... I must be doing something."

"If you don't mind me asking sir...whats next on your agenda?"

"Young man...I wasn't really raised to have an agenda necessarily...but instead, I just try to do what's right. Its harder for people to influence your decision making that way."

"Really, OK...but that seems rather unusual for a politician not to have an agenda."

"I know it does...but maybe I can change that."

Shaking my hand again, Senator Obama picked up his gym bag, and wished me well. Now, I know that on the surface the conversation did not shape up to be as profound as I would have expected, but between the lines I was able to sense that he projected a strong feeling of sincerity, a rare commodity, if ever, to be found in "small talk". He spoke as if he actually believed in what he was saying, without overstating or minimizing its importance. Senator Obama came across as a simple man of strong values, that had divinely found himself in an extraordinary situation, center stage at the cusp of a changing world.

Fortunately for me, in that brief moment Senator Obama was able broaden my political perspective, and give me a glimpse of hope that perhaps there did exist people on Capitol Hill with similar backgrounds as my own that allowed their decision making to be guided by moral standings verses corruption and cultural amnesia. Up until that point, like many of my colleagues, friends and family, most politicians (especially African-American) had left an impression that they seem more focused on self-promotion and greed then those issues that affected the disadvantaged and forgotten.

Using a spirit of discernment, far beyond words, I was quickly able to sense who Senator Obama was, and even get a glimpse of where he was attempting to go. Needless to say, from that point forward I became a strong supporter of his efforts, slowly becoming more familiar with his story and political focus...and what I found beneath the surface was an amazing tale of one young mans' journey that would forever change the world...

Barack Hussein Obama Part Two: "The Nature of Destiny" (Coming Soon)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Gift of Sight

From the time we are born each of us have been given specific gifts. Divine powers that provide us the overall faculties to live our lives. First of many, is the gift of life which enables our sense of consciousness and physical motion. Second is the gift of speech, which allows us, even from a very young age, to communicate our deepest feelings and desires. Yet, of all the gifts we are given, one of the most intriguing is the gift of sight. For the gift of sight not only allows us to experience our world visually, it also releases our ability to see into the future.

Historically, scientists and philosophers alike have long acknowledged this human feeling of premonition. Sometimes referred to as a "sixth sense" this ability has commonly been recorded as possessing the power to sense impending danger or the approach of a certain circumstance.
Yet today, I invite you to go even further...

Have you ever imagined your life being different? Have you ever felt that there had to be more to this world than what you were experiencing? If this is so, than you may already know that these feelings are not completely uncommon. Millions of people around the world have unfortunately allowed their lives to become the culminating result of missed opportunities, self-doubt , and so far from their purpose that it has become almost unrecognizable.

Know now that this tragedy does have to be the end of your story...

If your desire for personal transformation is strong enough, the gift of sight will actually begin to show you images of the life you long for through daydreams and passing thoughts. Your mind will actually begin to project choice locations, circumstances and people all connected to your most coveted dreams. It is our passionate belief that these brief glimpses of destiny exist as an extension of your soul’s ultimate yearning to express itself completely, while inspiring you to move closer to your true identity.

Now, if you take the time to consider the implications of this innate creative visualization, you will realize that you have experience this phenomenon several times already. All of us have allowed our minds to wonder to places where our jobs are more fulfilling, our relationships are more complete, and our lives possess that peace of mind that gives us the opportunity to truly appreciate every day that we are given.

Further, you must understand that the power of these visions does not solely rest on their existence, but instead our willingness to follow where they lead. For as we follow, so the visions will become clearer. Hesitate to respond, and overtime they will slowly disappear...

SGS Comment Question: What reoccurring visions do you have, and how do they relate to the direction you want your life to go?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Beginning

In an age of uncertainty where violence and fear are used to boost media ratings and promote a blind sense of conformity, the powers that be relentlessly attempt to reduce the nature of mankind into accepting that we are incapable of dictating the direction of our own lives.

Lulled to “sleep” we have been made to believe that the fire we possess inside serves no practical purpose, and because of this, the need for true inspiration and hope are at an all time high.

Created to fill this void, Saint Gabrielle Street & Company, Inspirational Entertainment Media will share with its audiences an intimate opportunity to push the boundaries of human evolution, using forgotten fantasies to change their realities.

As an extension of this movement, will be dedicated to providing dynamic transformational insights, international media coverage and pop culture commentary as they each relate to the millions of people around the world fighting to see their dreams realized.

As we begin this magical journey together, know now you are not alone. Those who were sleeping have begun to awake...

Your greatest adventure has yet to begin.
SGS Comment Question: What has stopped you from beginning your greatest adventure?