Throughout the world of fables and fairytales there have always been magical stories of fantasies becoming realities, so much so that one could surmise that within the human psyche we each may possess the deep desire to drastically change our lives if only for a short period of time. Some of us may desire endless riches, some may desire more love and companionship, where others yet may desire that their lives contained more adventure and risk. Whatever longings color our imagination, it seems they typically lay at the opposite end of where we currently find ourselves. It is here that I pose a question. Would you believe if I told you, that you do have the power to shape shift reality? Now, before you answer, allow me to clarify slightly. Humans, a forever evolving species, have yet to harness the measurable ability to snap their fingers and have their wildest dreams appear in mid-air. However, humans have reached a point in their evolution where, within the millisecond it takes to refocus their full attention in a new direction, they instantly can begin to set the wheels in motion that could change their lives forever. At Saint Gabrielle Street, we believe that the moment an individual changes his/her focus and aligns it with his/her most consistent thoughts, an energy radiates that begins to attract and gives power to those ideas, allowing those thoughts to be transformed into realities.
Suspending disbelief briefly...imagine if you will that this ability was absolutely real...what life would you design? It is my belief that if you commit yourself to replacing any current thoughts that may lead to your detriment the impossible will become no more. Thoughts of self-doubt, hopelessness, and animosity will always remain consistent with universal law and attract the like. Why not instead fill the recesses of your mind with passion, adventure, and hopeful anticipation. Decide now...what thoughts will you choose to focus on, what vibrations will you send out into your world, and what life will you bring forth. The canvas has been wiped clean...allow the masterpiece to unfold.