From the time we are born each of us have been given specific gifts. Divine powers that provide us the overall faculties to live our lives. First of many, is the gift of life which enables our sense of consciousness and physical motion. Second is the gift of speech, which allows us, even from a very young age, to communicate our deepest feelings and desires. Yet, of all the gifts we are given, one of the most intriguing is the gift of sight. For the gift of sight not only allows us to experience our world visually, it also releases our ability to see into the future.
Historically, scientists and philosophers alike have long acknowledged this human feeling of premonition. Sometimes referred to as a "sixth sense" this ability has commonly been recorded as possessing the power to sense impending danger or the approach of a certain circumstance.
Yet today, I invite you to go even further...
Have you ever imagined your life being different? Have you ever felt that there had to be more to this world than what you were experiencing? If this is so, than you may already know that these feelings are not completely uncommon. Millions of people around the world have unfortunately allowed their lives to become the culminating result of missed opportunities, self-doubt , and fear....living so far from their purpose that it has become almost unrecognizable.
Know now that this tragedy does have to be the end of your story...
If your desire for personal transformation is strong enough, the gift of sight will actually begin to show you images of the life you long for through daydreams and passing thoughts. Your mind will actually begin to project choice locations, circumstances and people all connected to your most coveted dreams. It is our passionate belief that these brief glimpses of destiny exist as an extension of your soul’s ultimate yearning to express itself completely, while inspiring you to move closer to your true identity.
Now, if you take the time to consider the implications of this innate creative visualization, you will realize that you have experience this phenomenon several times already. All of us have allowed our minds to wonder to places where our jobs are more fulfilling, our relationships are more complete, and our lives possess that peace of mind that gives us the opportunity to truly appreciate every day that we are given.
Further, you must understand that the power of these visions does not solely rest on their existence, but instead our willingness to follow where they lead. For as we follow, so the visions will become clearer. Hesitate to respond, and overtime they will slowly disappear...
SGS Comment Question: What reoccurring visions do you have, and how do they relate to the direction you want your life to go?